Mick Hughes
- Nov 25, 2018
ACL Reconstruction Rehab Exercises
What are the best exercises for ACLR rehab? This is a question I get asked every week. My response is always the same, "It depends"....
Mick Hughes
- Nov 22, 2018
Dynamic Knee Warm-Up
Looking for a good way to "warm up" your knee prior to a run/training session/leg day in the gym? Give this little 10min circuit a whirl...
Mick Hughes
- Nov 21, 2018
Hamstring Rehab - The Tantrum
Did you know that when compared to other commonly used exercises in hamstring rehabilitation, The Tantrum (AKA Fitball Flexions) has one...
Mick Hughes
- Nov 20, 2018
Reverse Nordic Exercise
You may have heard of the Nordic Hamstring exercise, but have you heard of the Reverse Nordic exercise? Just like the Nordic Hamstring...
Mick Hughes
- Nov 7, 2018
Sometimes, it's got nothing to do with the GLUTES "mis-firing"...
Dont forget to assess calf capacity when managing patients with lower limb musculoskeletal pain and injury - it's not always the glutes...
Mick Hughes
- Nov 1, 2018
Don't Skip Legs Day!
How many single leg heel raises can you do? Herbert-Losier et al (2017) studied over 500 healthy active people and found the following...