Mick Hughes
- May 30, 2016
ACL Injuries In The Adolescent Female
I shared a link to a paper on LinkedIn recently regarding landing technique in adolescent females during a growth spurt. This research...
Mick Hughes
- May 26, 2016
Concussion And Return To Sport: Is The SCAT-3 Enough?
Concussion is a hot topic in sporting circles at the moment. It has gained a lot of media attention recently, and there has been a HUGE...
Mick Hughes
- May 24, 2016
Physiotherapy, Exercise and Health Promotion: We Can Be Doing A Better Job!
I am probably wearing my Exercise Physiologist hat, more so than my Physiotherapist hat as I write this post today, but I think us...
Mick Hughes
- May 22, 2016
Resistance Training In The Young Athlete
For those of you that know me well, you would know that I've got a special interest in the adolescent athletic population. Now I know...
Mick Hughes
- May 21, 2016
Injury Prevention? Or Performance Enhancement?
Earlier this month I shared a post about the financial cost of sporting injuries to teenage kids in Victoria between 2004-10. It's scary....
Mick Hughes
- May 19, 2016
Load Management Part 2: The Effects of Detraining
Earlier on this week I wrote a blog on Load Management, specifically on the topic of the acute to chronic workload ratio (ACWR). As...
Mick Hughes
- May 18, 2016
To Stretch Or To Strengthen? That Is The Question!
I often get asked by my patients how to best manage their injuries at home or in the gym. The question that they often ask is: Should I...
Mick Hughes
- May 13, 2016
Pre-operative Physiotherapy For ACL Injury
I had a patient present last week who hurt her knee in the first few minutes of a social game of basketball. She reported that she was...
Mick Hughes
- May 11, 2016
ACL Injury: Prevention Is Better Than Cure
I cover ACL injuries quite a bit in my blogs, and the reason for this is fairly straight forward: They are one of the most devastating...